During the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to uphold our lives and live inside for a few months, which was a new experience for everyone. There was so much uncertainty in regards to the virus as it seemed to have symptoms similar to a cold or flu, but would attack the vulnerable. Forcing us inside and the deterioration of people's mental health. No one had an easy experience watching the same shows everyday, playing the same video games, same board games or even barely working remotely. There also was major increases in substance abuse, such as drugs and alcohol. InnerActive has found five articles detailing the effects Covid displayed on our mental health. As well, how did the actual virus of Coronavirus-19 really affect our personal mental health.

The first article is "The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use" from the "Kaiser Family Foundation" written by Nirmita Panchal, Rabah Kamal, Cynthia Cox and Rachel Garfield. This article discusses how Covid has impacted people both from a mental health side and then a substance abuse side. The increases in depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug use are all correlated. It’s a longer article, but provides great information in regards to the affects covid had on society.
2. The second article is "How did COVID-19 affect Americans' well-being and mental health?"
from "Brookings" and written by Emily Dobson, Carol Graham, Tim Hua, and Sergio Pinto.
The article does a comparison between 2019 and 2020, in regards to the increase of
depression, anxiety, suicide, and overdoses. The research is backed from many studies
and is relatively quick read with an aesthetically pleasing layout.
3. The third article is titled "Large study reveals clearer links between Covid-19, mental health risks" from the "Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy" written by Lisa Schnirring. Bringing up an interesting and well researched theory in which, how COVID the virus itself
could have contributed to more mental health issues. Giving great statistics and very fascinating revelations with patients who had Covid-19. Overall it is a very interesting
reading that is not very challenging and easy to understand in regards to the specifics of t. their findings.

4. The fourth article is "Pandemic impact on mental health: A Global Overview" from "New Normal Health" and written by Katherine Lang. This article takes a deep dive into how the pandemic affected people's mental health on a global scale. The other articles on this list would typically look just at the United States and this gives the opportunity for a broader perspective. A very interesting read with aesthetically pleasing page and it is longer, but still a quick read.

5. The fifth and final article is titled "Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic" from the "Centre for Addiction and Mental Health" discusses how our mental and the most recent pandemic were correlated. The article is filled with really good and specific links that you can click on and read more. So if one topic reaches out to you a little more than you can click the “read more” and get the full article. It has great information with an aesthetically pleasing layout and is an easy read.